martes, 18 de agosto de 2009

Use of A and AN

Vocabulary proposed
about: acerca de
coin: moneda
before: antes
beginning: empezando, que empiece(n)
key: llave
vowel: vocal
mute: silencio, mudo
tax: impuesto
precede: preceder
hypenated: separado por guión
noun: sustantivo
mother-in-low: suegra
drop out: dejar la forma
loaf: pan
knife: cuchillo
cliff: acantilado
roof: tejado
environs: alrededores
proceeds: ganancias
remains: restos
riches: riquezas
slaks: pantalones
subject: materia
news: noticias
billiards: billar
goose: ganzo
tooth: diente
foot: pie
If you have more questions about the vocabulary write the words on your notebook and ask me the next class

1 comentario:

  1. Vocabulary proposed
    about: acerca de
    coin: moneda
    before: antes
    beginning: empezando, que empiece(n)
    key: llave
    vowel: vocal
    mute: silencio, mudo
    tax: impuesto
    precede: preceder
    hypenated: separado por guión
    noun: sustantivo
    mother-in-low: suegra
    drop out: dejar la forma
    loaf: pan
    knife: cuchillo
    cliff: acantilado
    roof: tejado
    environs: alrededores
    proceeds: ganancias
    remains: restos
    riches: riquezas
    slaks: pantalones
    subject: materia
    news: noticias
    billiards: billar
    goose: ganzo
    tooth: diente
    foot: pie
    If you have more questions about the vocabulary write the words on your notebook and ask me the next class
